The Current Major Sources of Hindu Review
A mega project of Sanskrit Dictionary is under way: It has been described as one of the world’s biggest lexicography work, begun in 1948 and expected to be completed in another 50 years from now. The Sanskrit dictionary project undertaken by the Deccan College of Pune has already seen three generations of lexicographers at work and many more to go. The Sanskrit dictionary project is unique; with ten million words from the Rig Veda to texts written until 1800 CE studied and their etymological meanings provided.
Work on Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts called Catalogus Catalogorum (CC) is underway by the University of Madras. Theodore Aufrecht first started the project and compiled the first catalogue (1891-1903). An ambitious target of 40 volumes is in progress to develop a complete online database of the ancient manuscripts.
Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA) and the French Institute of Pondicherry associated with the Aurbindo Ashram are in the process of microfilming and digitalizing all rare Hindu manuscripts.
An 11-volume “Encyclopedia of Hinduism” was recently launched at Hardwar, India. The ambitious project was originally conceptualized by Swami Chidanand Saraswati over two decades ago and some 10,000 people are believed to have pitched in, directly or indirectly, towards completion of this magnum.
Kailash Ashram at Rishikesh is regarded by some as the last word in the Vedanta studies. Great Saints, like Swami Vivekananda, Swami Abhedananda, Swami Ramatirtha and Swami Shivananda have studied in Kailas Ashram. Today Kailash Ashram is being directed by H.H. Swami Vidyananda Giri Ji Maharaj, who is the 10th Peethacharya in the linage of Scholars. At present His Holiness is 84 years old. He is considered to be one of the greatest leading scholars in the field of Shankara Advaita Vedanta in India Today.