This book is like a map of Hinduism, which shows from where one should start his or her spiritual journey and where the journey ends.
Baba Hari Dass
Mount Maddona Center, Santa Cruz, California
Your book is definitely written in a way that presents abundance of information about Hinduism in easily readable format and style that will clearly appeal to the Hindu youth Diaspora. For example, the short biographies presented in many chapters are an effective way to introduce the reader to the major figures in Hinduism both ancient and modern. Philosophy is discussed in many chapters but never to such a depth that it would overwhelm the reader with technical terms and interpretations. The viewpoint of Hinduism’s profound tolerance is nicely stressed in many places. And finally there is mention throughout Hinduism’s strong emphasis on living a virtuous life.
Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Publisher of Hinduism Today
Head of Himalayan Academy and Kauai’s Hindu Monastery, Hawaii
Each subtitle is like a rung of ladder, systematically leading the reader into the depths of our ancient wisdom. Whosoever reads this book will be surely benefited from its beautiful and penetrating insights. This book will also certainly do justice in imparting correct and more comprehensive about Hinduism to those settled abroad and have forgotten its lofty principles.
Swami Vagishananda
Head of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Mumbai, India
In this retired life when most Indians enjoy, you did painstaking research on Hinduism for ten years like tapasya. Fruits of that tapasya is evident in this beautiful book from which many readers will benefit. Your work will be treasured by the community.
Swami Tathagatananda
Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, New York, USA
I have been reading it with great admiration. You have comprehensively dealt all different aspects of Hinduism that a Hindu or non-Hindu needs to know to get a good idea of Hindu religion, society and family. It is an important useful addition to some old and new book on this subject. May the God who got this book done from you shower His choicest blessings on you.
Swami Yogatananda
Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, Providence, USA
You have wonderfully expressed your ideas in a very lucid English, which has made it more readable by those who will otherwise not read such text. You have given enough references to substantiate your points-that is also helpful for the readers.
Swami Sarvadevananda
Head of Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, South California, U.S.A.
The get-up, cover design, and everything is nicely planned. It is your hard work for a long time. I quite remember your days at Kualalumpur, Malaysis, where you sat with me and discussed…I found you have contacted so many swamis of our order other great scholars and devotees and institutions, and liberally drawn material for your book, and that has made it rich and wide in its content. This shows your ardent desire to spread the message of Hinduism, the ancient religion. You have done the task at the ripe age when people usually retire and relax.
Swami Tanmaynanda
Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, India
You really worked hard and brought so many things of Hinduism which many Hindus do not know. ….found your presentation and language are wonderful.
Swami Chetanananda
Head of Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, St. Louis, U.S.A.
You have done a beautiful job in setting forth our ancient faith. The text, the cover, the printing, everything is well-done.
Swami Atmarupananda
Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, South California, U.S.A.
The book will receive a great appreciation from the most critical persons. It has all that is needed for the newcomer in this faith or for the well- rooted person. Your efforts in putting things together are wonderful and deserve congratulations. The scientific minded you is distinctly reflected in your treatment to the vast subject on Hinduism.
Swami Anubhavananda
You have done a great service to Hinduism by providing such a readable and balanced account that people in the West will be able to make profitable use of. It breathes the spirit of the Sanatana Dharma, universal tolerance, the underlying oneness of all paths. Dr Badlani calls on Hindus to be modern citizens of the world, and not to retreat into ancient ways. The modern technological culture should be embraced, and the spiritual wisdom of Hinduism should be brought to bear in contemporary living. In reading this book, a non-Hindu will gain a comprehensive understanding of Hindu history and spirituality, while a Hindu will be inspired to live his or her faith proudly and dynamically. I don’t think there is another book that does as much justice to the almost infinite complexity of Hinduism.
Swami Shankarananda
Mount Eliza, Australia
The book “Hinduism – Path of the Ancient Wisdom” is much more interesting and complete than I expected. Something that makes it very attractive is that it contains many brief topics but written with great knowledge and a wide array of bibliographic data that allows the reader to continue searching that line of thought on their own.
I really appreciate “Hinduism – Path of the Ancient Wisdom” and recommend it to devotees and those people interested in learning about India’s culture and religions and its eternal search for the supreme truth, which is told in chapters very pleasant to read.
Dasavatara Das
Argentina, South America
Dr Hiro Badlani’s book Hinduism: Path of the Ancientm Wisdom is an excellent introduction to Hinduism for lay people. Dr Badlani, a lay person himself, conducted extensive research into the history, philosophy, and ethics of his own religion, including interviews with many leading Hindu leaders and scholars. He distilled his findings and his carefully thought out and perceptive conclusions into a readable volume that makes Hinduism come alive for lay people. In addition, he provides clear and understandable descriptions of Hindu symbols, rituals and ceremonies, and helpful lists of Hindu centers and and resources. This volume is a valuable source of excellent information for both young Hindus living in Diaspora and for non-Hindus who would like to learn more about this ancient and noble living religious tradition from the perspective of one who knows, practices, and appreciates deeply.
Nicholas Piediscalzi, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Religion
Wright State University
The book offers a comprehensive insight for the reader wanting to understand the sprawling complex religion. Covering a number of topics that comprise the corpus of the world’s oldest religion, Dr Badlani has reduced Hinduism’s intricate philosophy to engaging, simple-to-understand explanations.
The book is admirably organized into short easy-to-read chapters that give the reader an over-view and solid understanding of the most metaphysical religion on earth.
The carefully selected content is bound to inspire the reader with practical concepts that can be applied to one’s daily life-that will bring balance and harmony and lead to spiritual development and inner peace.
Robert Arnett
Author of India Unveiled
We have reviewed the book and find it full of fascinating information about Hinduism. It is pretty comprehensive and can be a useful resource for studying Hinduism.
The book has managed to incorporate lot of very interesting information about Hinduism that is easily accessible. Some of the quotes, dates, and information about ancient and modern proponents of Hinduism can be very useful resource for anyone keen to understand modern Hinduism.
Jay Lakhani
Hindu Academy, U.K.
The book contains excellent and easy to understand information, which I am sure will be of particular interest to the Youth Diaspora across the World.
Your effort of bringing the ancient wisdom of Hinduism to the world at large is to be applauded and there is no better way of doing it than to use all available modern media and marketing tools such as the website and YouTube.
On behalf of the Hindu community here in the UK, we hail this noble effort and do hope to see a wide circulation and readership of the contents of this magnificent work. It has no doubt been a mammoth editorial task to put this together and to bring it in a form that would be readable and comprehensible to the layman and the uninitiated. We hope that this publication in turn will arouse the curiosity of the reader to read further so as to add to their knowledge.
Sanjay Jagatia
Hindu Council, UK
…. it seems very thorough and comprehensive, especially for those looking into Hinduism and wanting to learn more about it. You have certainly covered many important topics and aspects of Vedic culture.
Sri Nandanandana dasa (Stephen Knapp)
Vedic Scholar and Author
Detroit, USA
The Sindhi Sammelan Organizing Committee has recommended for you “THE PRIDE OF SINDHI COMMUNITY” Literary Award for your writing an outstanding book Hinduism: Path of the Ancient Wisdom. We feel proud of your dedication and hard work in publishing this much needed book for new generation of Hindus and for seekers of knowledge about ancient Indian religions.
Sindhi Association of South California SASC
Los Angeles
…The clarity of content is just incredible. The chapters are organized well and you did something that I truly appreciate, you got to the key points without excess wordage or fluffy descriptions.
Hinduism: Path of the Ancient Wisdom belongs in every college course for people studying Philosophy and Hinduism. It belongs to every practicing Hindu’s bookshelf, and it is a must for anyone even remotely curious about our faith. This book should be in every book store.
Sheree Bice
Florida, USA
This book is like a mini-encyclopedia of Hinduism.
Mohan Dadlani
Los Angeles USA
The book, in my opinion, is suitable for almost anyone interested to learn about Hinduism that has shown the path for co-existence based upon human experience of many thousands of years.
Navin Doshi
Businessman and Philanthropist
Los Angeles, USA
With availability of vast literature on Hinduism, your book fulfills the need of quick reference and source to number of questions that Hindus encounter particularly in the minds of children born yearning to probe their heritage.
DrmShiv Navani
Radiologist, USA
The book consists of short chapters (easy reading) covering myriads of topics including the birth of Cosmos, evolution of mankind, and appearances of Consciousness, spirituality and religion. Author also painstakingly traces the history of Hinduism through a long period during which India went through changing dynasties of rulers. His detailed discussions on the topics of Idol worship and the plethora of Gods & Goddesses in Indian culture are praiseworthy.
In addition to Hindu Faith, author describes many other faiths that have their origin in Hinduism (Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism). Finally, the book includes detailed discussions on Hindu way of life, Hindu society and its various customs, traditions and rituals.
Dr Gopal Das
Las Vegas, USA
The author has harvested many of profound and beautiful quotations from this ancient and vast spiritual heritage under various organized themes and chapters:
Cosmic Consciousness, Performing Arts, Myths and Music, Mantras, Slokas, Bhajans, Kirtans, Literature etc. The reader gets the intellectual roller-coaster ride through ancient cultures of India, the Vedas, the Vedic philosophies and is eventually zapped to awareness by cosmic consciousness of intelligence of Divinity-the Soul.
Mani Matta
New York, USA
It is a monumental effort testifying to your extensive study and admirable research. It is good a reference book -as you hit the highlights on so many different topics. I sincerely wish that our youngsters keep it on their table & periodically read a chapter or two. They will benefit greatly.
Rada Krishna
Los Angeles USA
I urge all Indians, particularly youth, who are seeking to know more about their religious roots, to read this book. Dr. Badlani’s book will show you the path you need to walk to reach your roots.
Chandru Mirchandani
Los Angeles USA
…and found the book very interesting and very in-depth and yet very easy to read and understand. I like the way you start with the origins of the universe, man, religion and time, this is basically the beginning of everything. I must say lots of research must have gone into this book; I am sure that I will produce some great sermons for my Sunday morning service from this book.
Ganesan Gramanie
Hindu Priest, South Africa
You have very carefully and beautifully treasured all the customs, culture and religion, we had all most forgotten in your beautiful book. I am so delighted to see that the Mother of Knowledge, Maa Sarsvati, has blessed you so immensely and influenced you to write a book so close to our hearts.
Pandit Bhagirath
Los Angeles USA
I admire the way in which he has simplified the whole thing in fine English language. He has done justice to the subject matter so beautifully. And it throws light on the vast spectrum of Hinduism right from the Vedas!
Vijay Karripal
The path helps the beginner to move forward step by step gaining more and more enlightenment. The pilgrim who is already in the pursuit finds the path very refreshing and encouraging. It offers wonderful novel experience. The path laid down by Dr Badlani is clear and straight. Sign-boards carry thoughtful quotations to guide all sorts of pilgrims who seek knowledge about Hinduism…Dr Badlani systematized the vast subject of Hinduism in a gradational and authoritative manner.
G. Shankara Bhanu
Hyderabad, India