A day once gone will never return. Therefore, one should be diligent each moment to do good. We reach the goal of good life by pious work.
Blow not thy trumpet. From the root grows the trunk and from the trunk shoots branches, from branches grow the twigs the leaves. And then flowers blossom and the tree bears fruit and juice. It is the root of Dharma (virtue) and Moksha (liberation) is the juice.
Greater will be his victory who conquereth his self than that of one who conquereth thousands and thousands in a valiant fight.
Fool is he who, blinded by his passions, fixeth not his thoughts on his moral progress and welfare but sinketh down through temptations of lust.
Whosoever desireth his own well-being should cast away anger, conceit, deceit and lust. For these four aggravate sin. Anger killeth love, conceit humility, deceit amity, and lust everything. By calmness anger is to be won, by meekness conceit, by straightness deceit, and by content lust.
(Source: Eternal Values, Swami Lokeshwarananda, The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Calcutta, 1990)